Every server error messages in Form Publisher UI are due to technical issues from Google servers. In most cases, this issue resolves itself. This article explains further this issue.
Why do I get this error?
When you are trying to configure Form Publisher, sometimes you might see the error message "We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again".
That is an error from Google side, as Form Publisher doesn't have its own servers, and we are relying on Google servers. It means that their performance temporary diminished or their servers:
- were momentarily down or
- were overloaded
In most cases, this issue is fixed by itself and doesn't last too long.
What should I do?
- Refresh your Google Form before trying Form Publisher again
However, if you still have issues after reloading your Form, try to:
- Uninstall and reinstall the add-on
Sometimes these Google server errors can last longer than expected, and best is to install Form Publisher again.